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KMID : 0361619760110030571
Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
1976 Volume.11 No. 3 p.571 ~ p.575
Cystic Lesions in Os Calcis

The authors experienced six patients who were adimitted in Department of ~surgery at Seoul . National University Hospital during the period of March 1988 to February 1976 with cystic lesions in calcaneus by radiographic findings.
The following results were obtained.
1. anro¢¥Itg¢¥ t4i~ siX~ irati~esrts; ffsur w~rc ost¢¥eolityeliti8;. ~ ~~~i;~. gt~atiiom~c a¢¥rttt` tie¢¥ other was fibromyxoid¢¥,~arcoma. They were all similar in radiographic fibdintgs, but were different each other- ixf. pai#tologic findings:
2. Diagnosis; is very difficult only¢¥ veirh~ the patios: lii¢¥stcfili; omits and: ra+dio~t¢¥~~i~ findings earl the= pgt~[vlog~ic fiadings is< they most imY it[ t4ig f3~i= ctx~~iv~ d~b~tio8i~ from ben#gm cy.~ic¢¥ lesions to mslign~t o~te.
3. We describe about the lil~ds and ~oit~tff of the dl~tni= ~. diagia of= tti~ ottie~` d# from¢¥ the reporx~l: sip: casts.
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